IL stands for Intermediate Language
ILDASM stands for Intermediate Language Disassembler.
ILASM stands for Intermediate Language Assembler
IL Code
Whenever we are creating a console application - then exe will be
generated, if class library project then a dll will be generated. Irrespective
of the application an assembly contains MSIL code and Manifest.
The code we write in English is called as High Level Language and
when we compile it the Intermediate Language code will be generated, If we want
to see the IL code then we need to use the tool ILDASM.
Assembly Manifest
Assembly Manifest File contains meta data (information about
information) about the assembly,
i) Name of the Assembly
ii) Version of the assembly (Major version, minor version,
revision version, Build Number)
iii) Dependencies of other Assembly in the current assembly
Manifest Files are important in an Assembly because during runtime
i.e. while executing all the depending assemblies and its correct version has
to be loaded and this information is obtained from Manifest file itself.
ILDASM tool is a tool to parses any .NET
Framework .exe or .dll assembly, and shows the IL information and Manifest
information of an assembly.
ILASM tool - ILASM tool is used to reconstruct an
assembly from a text file that contains manifest and IL.
Further Reading –
1) ILASM and ILDAM (MSDN Links)
2) Assembly Manifest
Also Check Out -
1) Global Assembly Cache (GAC) in .NET
2) How to add an Assembly automatically into GAC using Post Build Events in Visual Studio
3) How to Get the Private Key of a .NET assembly present in GAC
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