C# program to Create a Unix style Text File with Line Termination of LineFeed 0a only How to

To Create a Unix style text file in C# we use the NewLine Property of the TextWriter class to set the line termination format to UNIX type.

For More information of different types of line Termination refer to my earlier post –

Syntax of NewLine property of TextWriter
public virtual string NewLine { get; set; }

If we need to create a file with Windows type of line termination, we set the NewLine property to "\r\n".
If we need to create a file with UNIX type of line termination, then we set the property to "\n"
If the NewLine property is not set, the default newline character("\r\n") is used.

Sample Code to Write Unix Type File in C#
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace UnixFile
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Data for the text file, is stored inside a string array
            string[] lines = { "First Line", "Second Line" };

            //Variable fileDetails contains the file name and path
            String fileNameAndPath = "C:\\Sample Text File.txt";

            //Below line of code will delete the file if it already exists (OPTIONAL)
            if (File.Exists(fileNameAndPath)) { File.Delete(fileNameAndPath); }

            //Create a StreamWriter object
            using (TextWriter objFile = new StreamWriter(fileNameAndPath))
                //Set the New line Property to Unix type of New line
                objFile.NewLine = "\n";

Note - When we create the file using above if we open in windows, then it will be displayed as –
Unix file Line Termination in Windows Notepad

Instead open in Notepad++ or any suitable Editors, In NPP it will displayed as –
Notepad++ View of Unix Line Termination File

Links –

TextWriter.NewLine Property

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