Difference between SET and SELECT Statements in Microsoft SQL Server and when to use them SQL Server Interview Question

Hi, this post explores the difference between SET and SELECT Statement in SQL Server and when to use them.

SET is the ANSI standard for assigning values to variables
SELECT is not ANSI Standard.
SET allows you to assign data to only one variable at a time

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30),@varLastName nvarchar(30);

SET @varFirstName = (SELECT FirstName FROM EmployeeMaster where EmployeeId = 1)
SET @varLastName =  (SELECT LastName FROM EmployeeMaster where EmployeeId = 1)

PRINT @varFirstName;--Prints Alpha
PRINT @varLastName;--Prints A

SET @varFirstName = 'Alpha';
SET @ varLastName = A;
We you can use SELECT to assign values to more than one variable at a time.
In performance SELECT is better.

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30),@varLastName nvarchar(30);

SELECT @varFirstName = FirstName, @varLastName = LastName FROM EmployeeMaster where EmployeeId = 1

PRINT @varFirstName;--Prints Alpha
PRINT @varLastName;--Prints A

SELECT @varFirstName = 'Alpha', @varLastName = 'A'
SET Statement throws error when the sub query returns more than one value

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30);

SET @varFirstName = (SELECT FirstName FROM dbo.EmployeeMaster)

SELECT @varFirstName--Returns Error

PRINT @varFirstName--Returns Error

Errror Returned –
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
SELECT Statement will not return when sub query returns more than one value

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30)

SELECT @varFirstName =  FirstName FROM dbo.EmployeeMaster

PRINT @varFirstName--Returns Juliet

SET Statement will assign Null values to the variable when the result is not found

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30)

--Assign Dummy values
SET @varFirstName = 'TEST'

SET @varFirstName = (SELECT FirstName FROM dbo.EmployeeMaster WHERE EMPLOYEEID = 45 )
PRINT @varFirstName--Prints NULL
SELECT Statement will not assign Null values to the variable when the result is not found instead it leaves the value unchanged

DECLARE @varFirstName nvarchar(30)

--Assign Dummy values
SET @varFirstName = 'TEST'

SELECT @varFirstName = FirstName FROM dbo.EmployeeMaster WHERE EMPLOYEEID = 45
PRINT @varFirstName--Prints TEST

When to use SET statement

Since Set Statements are ANSI Standards, use SET if there is any migration planned for the database to any other RDBMS
When only one variable is to be assigned.
When we are sure that the sub query returns only one value
NULL assignments are expected (NULL returned in result set)
When NULL Values are to be assigned if the result is not found
Use it assign values to a variable directly

When to use SELECT statement

When Multiple variables are to be populated by a single query
Since Multiple Variables can be assigned, can be used when we need to reduce the code
When performance is to be improved
When Null values can be ignored if the result is not found
If we need to get @@ROWCOUNT and @ERROR for last statement executed

Note – Data for EmployeeMaster table is as below

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