What is Default Application - BizTalk Application 1 and System Application - BizTalk.System in BizTalk Server


Hi all, In this post I will explain concepts of Application in BizTalk , Default BizTalk Application, System/Built in Application containing built in artifacts like Pipelines, Schemas etc.

Description -

Application in BizTalk Server

A BizTalk application is a logical grouping of the related items, called "artifacts" that are used in a BizTalk Server business solution.
Artifacts in BizTalk are schemas, maps, orchestrations, and pipelines etc are called as artifacts. These are called as artifacts since these get converted into C# code internally.

When we deploy the BizTalk application the BizTalk artifacts are also installed into the GAC.

In General, we can have all the artifacts grouped under one BizTalk Application but the problem with this approach is that as the number of artifacts increases it becomes difficult for us to manage, hence to overcome we group these artifacts into applications. So that maintenance will be easy.

During configuration of BizTalk server applications like BizTalk.System and BizTalk Application 1 are created automatically.

BizTalk Applications Screenshot

System/Built In Application - BizTalk.System

BizTalk.System is the system application that is created and this application is populated with common artifacts that are used by all BizTalk applications.
Artifacts such as the default schemas and pipelines are present in this application.
Artifacts in System application screenshot

BizTalk.System and its artifacts are read-only.
We cannot delete or rename BizTalk.System, nor we can u delete, rename, or move any of the artifacts that it contains.

Every user created application contains a reference to the BizTalk.System application.
This is because the artifacts present in BizTalk.System are used by every BizTalk application.
We cannot remove the reference to the BizTalk.System application from the user system application.
References added can be seen by Right clicking the application and selecting Properties and then References tab.

Pipelines like XMLSend, PassThruReceive pipeline that are available while configuring the physical ports in the user created application are due to the reference of the BizTalk.System application.

Default Application - BizTalk Application 1

BizTalk Application 1 is the default application in BizTalk Server.

This application will be created when we are configuring the BizTalk Server.
This application cannot be deleted.

Scenarios when artifacts are added to the default application
1) When we deploy from visual studio into BizTalk server without specifying the application name for a BizTalk Project. (The application name is specified in the Deployment tab of the Project Designer).
2) When we import an application using BTSTask command without specifying the application name.
3) When we add resource/artifact to an application using BTSTask without specifying application name.